A task can often only be successfully completed if the team members are taken into account and the situation before the attack is analyzed in detail. e.g: The character tuns limp because of a hit in the leg. Since ArmA 2 is a military simulation, the degree of reality can be described as very high, just a few hits in the extremities can greatly reduce the gamer's options for action. The story is based on the conflict between Russia and Georgia in August 2008. Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead system requirements, Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead minimum requirements and recommended requirements, Can you run Arma 2. The gamer acts as part of a special command to ensure stability in a competitive country. The fictional island of Utes is also involved in the plot. Although the game is a tactical shooter game, it has a strong simulation character.ĪrmA 2 Operation Arrowhead takes place on the fictional mainland called Chernovtsy. It came out in Germany in May 2009 and was the official successor to "Operation Flashpoint" and "ArmA: Armed Assault".

Immediately online, no waiting time, no contract and no minimum term! You can switch between all available services at any time.ĪrmA 2: Operation Arrowhead is a tactical shooter game developed by Bohemia Interactive. Rent a game server now for a low flexible cost and experience ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead with several players.